Telemedicine and Telehealth Industry

Resources to help you research the telemedicine & telehealth industries from a business perspective.


The following resources can be used to research the telemedicine and telehealth industry.

While these resources are generally the most relevant, there may be other resources available. If you are looking for something in particular or cannot find a lot of information about a niche segment, please Ask Us.

Market & Industry Reports

These databases contain market & industry reports that provide overviews of the industry and the intended market or end consumer.

Telemedicine typically refers to remote clinical services (e.g. video appointments); telehealth is remote clinical services + non-clinical services (e.g. provider training).

Search for terms "telemedicine," "telehealth," or "virtual care."

Additional Resources

Consumer Discovery / Insights

Number of Medical Procedures and Disease Prevalence

If you're trying to determine the target market for a particular drug, device, or treatment, it can be helpful to know how many people have relevant diseases, conditions, or procedures.

Mapping & Tables

These tools include data on how many people have a specific disease or condition.

Search tip: Select a location then go to the Data tab and select Health > Ailments.

Search tip: Choose Health from top level menu > Health Status.


Consumer Behavior & Attitudes

Find out how consumers think about or use healthcare products and services.

Additional Resources

More Sources of Industry Info

In addition to industry and market reports, there are many other ways to analyze an industry, gain insights, and find relevant statistics and data.

Use the keyword such as "telehealth", "telemedicine" and "virtual health".

Statistics Databases

These databases contain industry statistical data in tables or charts. They're a good place to start as they collect information from many sources.

Associations & Regulators

Industry associations and regulators (both in governments and independent agencies) often have great information. Look for sections on their websites like "Resources", "Publications", or "Data," but note some resources may be restricted to members. Some examples are:

Additional Resources

Telemedicine and Telehealth Technologies

These resources provide research and information on technological platforms and applications used in telemedicine and telehealth.