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New Resource: GlobalData Pharma

by Alice Kalinowski on 2024-09-04T12:21:00-07:00 | 0 Comments

Current Stanford students, faculty, and staff now have access to the GlobalData Pharma Intelligence Center database. This market research platform covers the pharmaceutical industry and includes databases/modules on drugs, deals, clinical trials, and patents, as well as a report library.

We have access to the following modules:

  • Drugs Intelligence (includes drug pipelines, regulatory trackers, drug sales data and forecasts, drug net present value analysis, and more).
  • Pricing Intelligence (includes a drug pricing database)
  • Trials Intelligence (includes information on clinical trials being conducted around the world, what biomarkers are being used, where the trials are happening and who is involved with them, etc.)
  • Therapeutic Analysis (includes narrative reports and forecasts written by industry analysts and an epidemiology/market size database which is helpful for estimating the current and future market size for pharma products)
  • Thematic Research (reports focused on key issues, players, and challenges within the bio-pharmaceutical industry)
  • Business Fundamentals (includes information about pharmaceutical companies and deals)

You can export some data from the platform, but if you need a larger data extract for your Stanford research project, Ask Us.

Use this link to access GlobalData Pharma Intelligence Center and see GlobalData access help.

Access is made available through a partnership among the GSB Library, Stanford Libraries, and Lane Medical Library.

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