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New Resource: MSCI Climate Data

by Alice Kalinowski on 2025-03-17T13:07:18-07:00 | 0 Comments

We now have access to over 80 distinct data tables containing more than 3,000 climate change metrics, including: Climate VaR (Transition and Physical), Implied Temperature Rise, Low Carbon Transition Score, forward-looking indicators, emissions data, and fossil fuel exposure for issuers and instruments worldwide. The dataset includes monthly data covering the end of 2014-present (data coverage increases over time).

MSCI advertises that "The data helps clients to: 

  • Measure and report on climate risk exposure 
  • Calculate financed emissions for equities, bonds, govt, MBS, and munis 
  • Implement a Net Zero climate strategy 
  • Factor in climate change research into risk management processes 
  • Engage with companies and stakeholder”

This data is available in Redivis for current Stanford GSB faculty, research staff, and PhD students for Stanford-related academic research purposes.

Go to the MSCI Climate Data in Redivis. Learn more about accessing GSB Library data in Redivis. If you have any questions, Ask Us.

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