Database Guide: Tracxn: Screening Companies by Industries & Ratings

Screening Companies by Industries

Select Company Search in left navigation panel, then click the Filter button at top right. In the Filter drop-down menu, go to Sector section.

Tracxn uses its own industry classification hierarchy identifiable by its icon:

  • Practice Area - 25 macro industry and geography segments
  • Feed Name - granular industry sectors
  • Business Model - customized definitions of business models

Make multiple selections if needed. Click Apply at the bottom of the page to add filter(s) to your screen. Tip:

  • Use the Search box at top right of the Feed Name filter window to find industry sectors of interest


  • If you know the company that operates in the industry of interest, open that company's profile page, and then click on the sector or business model name from the breadcrumbs path below the company name as in example below.

Screening Companies by Ratings

Tracxn analysts rate companies on a scale of 1 to 5 based on their performance and funding. The best performing/best funded companies are marked with the symbol on right of the company's name, (5 of 5) or (4 of 5). Mouse over the icon to see the numeric value and the date when the rating was assigned.

To screen companies by highest analysts' rating in selected Practice Areas, click Editor's Pick in left navigation panel and select segment from the drop-down menu. Use in conjunction with other filters as needed

Alternatively, when screening companies, (See Overview & Companies Screening page of this guide), from the Filter drop-down menu select Analyst Rating > Editor's Rating. Apply other filters as needed.

Soonicorn Club Rating

Soonicorn Club ratings are based on valuation and Tracxn analysts' opinion on companies' prospects of obtaining performance-based financing.

From the Filter drop-down menu select Analyst Rating > Soonicorn Club Flag. This group includes the following categories:

  • Unicorn - companies with valuation of $1B+
  • Decacorn - companies with valuation of $10B+
  • Soonicorn- companies with a perspective of "soon" becoming Unicorns and also that are good candidates for late stage investments based on companies' size, performance, and growth potential
  • Minicorn - companies with perspective for growing valuation and also that are good candidates for early stage investments (series A/B) based on prospects of success in their markets and geographies

Additionally, view the companies that were upgraded to Minicorn, Soonicarn, or Unicorn status. In left navigation panel, select Soonicorn Club > Recent Activity or > Timeline.