Database Guide: Simply Analytics: Overview
How to Access
- SimplyAnalytics This link opens in a new windowData analysis and mapping tool with U.S. demographic, housing, employment, consumer spending, marketing data from Mediamark Research (MRI), and EASI Lifestage profiles.
Help: Simply Analytics Guide
Content Coverage & Description
Simply Analytics incorporates over 100K data variables on US demographics, consumer behaviors, and businesses and offers tools for data visualization and creating custom consumer demographic reports.
- Block Group is the smallest geographical unit used by the United States Census. Think of it as a neighborhood with typical population of 600 to 3,000 people.
- Census Tract is an area established by the Bureau of Census for analyzing populations. It generally includes population between 2,500 to 8,000 people; however, not always following city boundaries.
- Data Variable is any individual demographic characteristic. Every data item in Data section of Simply Analytics is a “data variable”. You can find a complete list of data variables presented in the database here
Data Sources
Data variables in Data Folder come from the following sources:
- Easy Analytic Software Inc. (EASI) - an independent developer of desktop and internet demographic
- Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. (AGS) - a supplier of premium quality demographic and marketing databases.
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) crime data. NOTE: Crime data available only for 2016.
Exporting results
With results opened in view, click Export and select file formal relevant to your View.
Download limit per person:
One time – 2,500 Excel rows
One week – 5,000 Excel rows
One year – 20,000 Excel rows
How to Search
Each search is called a project. Users with an account may save and manage their projects.
The default name for a current project is New Project. Click New Project at top to rename it at any time.
Use controls at top right for the following operations:
- To delete a project click
- To create a new project click
button and select a new project from the drop-down list
- If you login as a guest, sign out upon conclusion of the session to remove your projects
NOTE: If upon login a New Project box opens in the center, you may close it and proceed with the steps described below.
- Select location(s).
In left panel, click Locationsicon.
- Use the text box to search by keywords and choose locations from auto-fill list
- Click Custom Locations > Show to open options menu :View custom location, Create new radius location, or Create new combination location
Add any number of locations.
- Select data variables and/or businesses.
In left panel click Dataicon to select data variables:
- Search by keywords using Search box, then make your selection(s) in the center window.
- Click Browse by Category (Population, Households, Consumer Behavior etc.) or by Data Folder + Date (for more on source of data, e.g EASI, AGS, FBI, See Data Sources section of this guide)
In left panel click Businesses icon to select businesses:
- Click Browse business categories to select businesses by NAICS or SIC codes
- Search by keywords using Search box
- Click Use advanced search to use a refined keyword search
Add any number of data variables and/or businesses.
- Select output format known as a View.
Results can be "viewed" as a map, table, or chart.
Click the view icon in right column if already populated or click New Viewbutton at top to open a menu of available output formats with short description of each one. To select, click Create button.
With the view selected, results are dynamically updated if you add additional search criteria.
Output Formats Descriptions
In the right panel select different output formats for your project known as "Views". To customize output results in right panel, click the arrow in top left corner of the view icon and select from: Edit, Rename, or Delete.
NOTE: With the exception of Comparison Table, other output formats don't display all data variables and locations at the same time. You can toggle between different criteria by using the drop-down lists from the options at top of results to create various combinations of selected criteria for display.
Map: Displays only one set of criteria at a time, e.g. single location + one data variable. However, you can overlay businesses on a map.
Also use additional display options from View Actions drop-down list at top right. For example, to view only chosen geography, click Apply Location Mask.
Use the drop-down lists from the options at top of the map to change display.
Comparison Table: Displays multiple selected criteria both data variables and locations.
Business Table: Displays a list of businesses in one category for one location at a time.
To customize columns display click View Actions > Columns at top right.
Use the drop-down lists from the options at top of the table to change display.
Related Data Table: Displays one data variable and multiple locations and automatically adds related data variables. For example, if you’ve selected a data variable in the employment category, all data variables from that category will be added to the table. Use the drop-down lists from the options at top of the table to change display.
Ranking Table: Ranks the top locations for any number of selected data variables.
Use drop-down lists at top right of the table to split a selected location into smaller geographic units. For example, it you’ve selected a city, you can display the distribution of data variables by zip codes, census tracts, or block groups.
Ranking by top 10, 100, 1000, or 10,000.
Time Series Table: Displays historical data for one data variable for multiple locations for all available years.
You can toggle between including and excluding projections.
Use the drop-down lists from the options at top of the table to change display.
Ring Study Table: Displays data for multiple data variables for a single location within one, three, or five mile “rings” surrounding your selected location. This feature gives a better feel for the representation of selected data variables in the area..
Use the drop-down lists from the options at top of the table to change display.
Quick Report: Displays standard demographic profile or housing data for selected locations.
Use a drop-down list at top of the report to toggle between demographic and housing data.
Bar Chart: Displays one data variable for multiple locations as a bar chart.
Use the drop-down lists from the options at top of the chart to change display. NOTE: No export option.