Health Care & Wellness Industry

Resources to help you research the health care & wellness industries from a business perspective.


The following resources can be used to research the healthcare and wellness industry including sub-topics like healthcare providers, healthcare cost, healthcare IT, wellness, and mental health.

While these resources are generally the most relevant, there may be other resources available. If you are looking for something in particular or cannot find a lot of information about a niche segment, please Ask Us.

Health Care and Wellness Market & Industry Reports

These databases contain market & industry reports. They provide overviews of the industry as well as the intended market or end consumer. 

Additional Resources

Consumer Discovery / Insights

Number of Medical Procedures and Disease Prevalence

If you're trying to determine the target market for a particular drug, device, or treatment, it can be helpful to know how many people have relevant diseases, conditions, or procedures.

Mapping & Tables

These tools include data on how many people have a specific disease or condition.

Search tip: Select a location then go to the Data tab and select Health > Ailments.

Search tip: Choose Health from top level menu > Health Status.


Consumer Behavior & Attitudes

Find out how consumers think about or use healthcare products and services.

Additional Resources

Where to Look for Industry Information

In addition to industry and market reports, there are many other ways to analyze an industry, gain insights, and find relevant statistics and data.

Statistics Databases

These databases contain industry statistical data in tables or charts. They're a good place to start as they collect information from many sources.

Associations & Regulators

Industry associations and regulating bodies often have lots of relevant data and reports. Look for sections on their websites titled "Resources", "Publications", "Data". Note that some materials may be restricted to members. Some examples are:

Other Organizations

You can also look for consulting groups and research centers that focus on the health care and wellness industry. Some examples are:

Additional Resources

Common Questions & Topics

Below are some options for getting information about healthcare providers and/or healthcare systems.

Hospital Data

Directories & Lists of Medical Providers

You may be able to use an establishment-level business directory to get basic information on medical providers (e.g. locate, name of business, sales estimates, etc.). Top resources at Stanford are:

Alternatively, you can often find directories or industry association membership lists online. If you're planning on doing mass outreach or marketing, you may need to pay for a custom target list with contact information.

Government Sources

Many medical fields are highly regulated, which means you can often get information about medical providers through national, state, and/or local governments. For instance, many states require medical practioners to be licensed and you can typically look up information about licensed professionals online in each state. Florida even allows you to download this data in bulk!

The following are some places to get data on healthcare costs. You could also consider searching academic literature for studies and searching the web for reports by governments, think tanks, consulting groups, and others.

In addition to many of the resources on this guide, there are additional resources that focus more explicitly on healthcare IT related topics and issues. Some examples are:

Additional Resources

The health and wellness space isn't well defined but is attracting a lot of attention. In addition the resources listed on this guide, you may also want to check the following:

Additional Resources

If you're looking specifically into mental health care, in addition to the resources on this guide, you may also consider:

Industry & Market

Medical Literature