Company Information
The following resources can be used to research information about companies.
While these resources are generally the most relevant, there may be other resources available. If you are looking for something in particular or cannot find a lot of information about a niche segment, please Ask Us.
Profiles & Financials
Top Recommendations
Our top recommendations for getting information about companies are listed based on what type of companies you need. You can always Ask Us for specific recommendations.
- Create a List of CompaniesTo get information on many companies at once, you likely need to make a company list (e.g. companies in a specific industry and location).
Large Amounts of Data
Many databases limit how much content you can download and prohibit scraping. If you're working on a large research project (e.g. as a PhD student, research assistant, or for a thesis) you may need to use other sources.
Analyst Reports
Use these reports for expert insight into public companies. If you need bulk access to analyst reports for a large academic project, please contact us.
Estimates, Guidance, Ratings
These Knowledge Base articles will tell where you can find buy/hold/sell recommendations, analyst estimates, consensus estimates, company guidance, and corporate credit ratings. These are helpful when you want to see what financial experts think about the health and future trajectory of a firm.
SEC Filings & Call Transcripts
Search Across Company Documents
If you want to know what companies are saying about themselves and their industry, turn to their annual reports, SEC filings, press releases, earnings call transcripts, etc.
SEC Filings
SEC filings are key reports U.S. public companies are required to file with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. These filings include company's financial statements, proxy statements, and other announcements of material events or changes to the company.
Conference & Earnings Calls
Learn where to find information about earnings and conference calls, which you can use to see how companies are responding to current events and thinking about the future.
Press Releases
Learn where to find press releases issued by companies. They can be useful to see what big projects or events are of interest to the company and the messaging or positioning behind them.
- Search Business News & Trade ArticlesOne great way to learn about an industry, market, or product, is to scour news and industry media outlets for information.
Executives & Boards of Directors
These resources will help you identify sources to find information about a company's executives and Board of Directors. If you are looking for specific positions or variables, let us know and we can help identify the best options.
Additional Resources
Deals (M&A, IPO)
These resources explain where to get information about types of company deals.
Securities (Stocks)
Related Research Guides
Research Guides: Company Info & Financials
In-depth guides that provide recommended sources on topics.
Library Tips: Company Info & Financials
Browse frequently asked questions and tips on using library resources.
- Last Updated: Sep 3, 2024 8:47 AM
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