Library Browser Extensions

What is the Library Browser Extension?

Available for Chrome and Firefox, the browser extension gives you quick access to the library, the Career Management Center, and other Stanford GSB resources.

What is the Library Browser Extension?

Available for Chrome and Firefox, the browser extension gives you quick access to the library, the Career Management Center, and other Stanford GSB resources.

Linked Resources


Menu Links Resources
Search Find library materials in the SeachWorks Library Catalog.
Stanford GSB Library Go to the library Home, your library account, library hours, services, Stanford GSB Archive, and Stanford Libraries.
Databases & Datasets Access research databases and datasets through library subscriptions.
Journal & News Articles Access eJournals and news magazines through BrowZine and Flipster. 
Go to popular literature databases, including Business Source Complete, ProQuest One Business, Factiva, JStor, PsycInfo, Scopus, and Web of Science.
More Research Resources Go to Course Reserves, Books & eBooks, Stanford GSB faculty publications, cases, and research papers.
Research Support Go to Knowledge Base, Research Guides, Consultations, Research Workshops, and Career Research provided at the library.
Get Help Ask Us, send document delivery requests, interlibrary loan requests, or submit a ticket for IT help. 
Career Access the Career Research Guide, CMC resources, and alumni career resources.
Other GSB Links Connect to Axess, Canvas, MARRS Room Reservations, MyGSB, and other popular Stanford GSB sites.