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New & Expanded Resource: eMAXX Data

by Alice Kalinowski on 2024-04-23T11:57:08-07:00 | 0 Comments

All Stanford researchers now have access to an extensive amount of bond holdings data from eMAXX. Previously only GSB researchers could access just corporate bond eMAXX data, but we have now been able to expand the data we have and open it up to more Stanford researchers.

eMAXX is an institutional fixed income holdings data product from Refinitiv (which is transitioning to the brand name LSEG). We now have access to the following:

  • Geographies: North America, Europe, and Asia
  • Markets: ABS, Corporate, Government, MBS, Regional/Municipal
  • Dates: 1998-2023

This data is available in Redivis for current Stanford faculty, staff, and students for Stanford-related academic research purposes. Learn more about accessing GSB Library data in Redivis. If you have any questions, Ask Us.

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