Database Guide: FactSet

Selected Tabs Overview

Company/Security: Detailed analysis of any individual security from any financial category (company security, commodity, fixed income, etc.). All financial data is clickable all the way to the the source document (NOTE: Financial data is clickable throughout the database)

Charting: Flexible charts on multiple identifiers and multiple series. Notable features:

  • Intraday pricing availability starting with one minute increment for the last 30 days
  • Export options to Excel for both charts and data tables

Markets: Detailed analysis of current and up to one-year ago performance of global equities, fixed income, commodities, ETFs, and FX markets. Includes prices, returns, estimates, ratings and more.

Economics: Current and historical economic and financial data on close to 100 countries. Notable features:

Industry: Detailed industry overview, including financials, key players, M&A activity, analysts' research and more. NOTE: select industry through selecting identifier. For example, by choosing Facebook, get access to Internet Software Services industry sector.​

Calendar: Detailed listing of corporate and economic events, transcripts, and recent and upcoming IPO. Notable features:

  • Searchable dataset of Conference Calls of different types (earning calls, Analysts & Investor Meetings etc.) with applicable documents such as detailed transcripts, audio recordings, slides etc.
  • Listing and short analysis of recent and upcoming IPOs under the Syndicate sub-tab