OB330/OB331 Leadership Fellows: About
This annotated bibliography contains a number of books and articles on the topic of coaching and mentoring. The field of coaching and mentoring draws from many knowledge areas including training, adult learning, consulting, change management, the human potential movement, psychology (cognitive, humanistic, developmental, social, etc.), systems science, and neuroscience. Furthermore, whereas therapy and counseling (upon which coaching and mentoring also draw) have been traditional fields of practice, study and research, this is not the case when it comes to coaching and mentoring. Coaching especially, has exploded as a practice area in the last decade, but research in the field—in particular empirical research, has lagged. Published, peer reviewed research has begun to escalate significantly in the last 5 years. The knowledge base supporting coaching is growing at a substantial rate; to move toward a truly solid, evidence-based field of practice more empirical research is still needed.
A number of the readings in this annotated bibliography are not supported by rigorous research nor do they necessarily reflect faculty views on best practices; that said, many contain useful and practical "nuggets" of information. They are offered for those of you who want to deepen your perspectives and knowledge on the practice of coaching. We hope you find these helpful now and in the future.