Register for an ORCID iD, connect it to Stanford, and set up your record.

What is an ORCID iD?

An ORCID iD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a free and persistent identifier that links you to your research activities and distinguishes you from other researchers.

ORCID iDs are not organization specific, ensuring that you stay connected to your work throughout your career.

Register for an ORCID iD

  1. Register for an ORCID iD
    • Registration takes less than 5 minutes.
    • Keep the default visibility setting at Everyone to ensure others can see your profile.
  2. Connect your ORCID iD to Stanford
    • Let Stanford read and update your ORCID record to help reduce administrative burdens.
  3. Set up your ORCID Record
    • You (or someone you choose) can import existing works and set up auto-updates.

Why You Should Get an ORCID iD

Registering for an ORCID iD will:

  • Ensure you stay connected to your work, no matter how your name appears in publications or if you change institutions.
  • Make your work more discoverable by others.
  • Distinguish you from other researchers with similar names.
  • Help you fulfill requirements from funders and publishers.
  • Help you create other research profiles more efficiently.
  • Give you a single login you can use with many research-related tools.