
  1. Use Nexis Uni to find the full-text of the article.
  2. In the upper right click Actions and select Link to this page.
  3. Copy and paste the link the pops up.
  4. Add the following proxy to that link:


Click the Actions link near the top of the document to get the permalink. Make sure to add the prefix.

Removing Search Highlights

Any search terms used to locate the article will be highlighted with the permalink. To remove these highlights:

Option 1

Find the article by searching for the author's name (rather than a keyword or title).

The name will still be highlighted, but as it is less frequently used in the article it is less distracting.

Option 2

Find the article by browsing the publication rather than searching:

  1. From the NexisUni home page, in the upper left select Menu > All Sources.
  2. In the Search Within Sources box on the left, search for the publication title (e.g. The New York Times) and click the search icon.
  3. Select the publication from the results list and click Get Documents.
  4. In the Timeline section on the left, enter in the publication date as the start and end date. Click OK.
  5. The articles will be listed in alphabetical order. Select the article and in the upper right/middle of the page click Actions and select Link to this page. Make sure to add the proxy prefix to it!

Option 3

Use Nexis Uni's URL API linking syntax. Instructions are available in their help documentation under Nexis Uni URL API Help > Retrieving a Single Document. 

Remember that after creating this link you will still need to add the Stanford proxy.

Option 4

Many popular publications are available in databases other than Nexis Uni, so consider using an alternative database that has more user-friendly permalink options!