Persistent Links
- Use Nexis Uni to find the full-text of the article.
- In the upper right click Actions and select Link to this page.
- Copy and paste the link the pops up.
- Add the following proxy to that link:
Removing Search Highlights
Any search terms used to locate the article will be highlighted with the permalink. To remove these highlights:
Option 1
Find the article by searching for the author's name (rather than a keyword or title).
The name will still be highlighted, but as it is less frequently used in the article it is less distracting.
Option 2
Find the article by browsing the publication rather than searching:
- From the NexisUni home page, in the upper left select Menu > All Sources.
- In the Search Within Sources box on the left, search for the publication title (e.g. The New York Times) and click the search icon.
- Select the publication from the results list and click Get Documents.
- In the Timeline section on the left, enter in the publication date as the start and end date. Click OK.
- The articles will be listed in alphabetical order. Select the article and in the upper right/middle of the page click Actions and select Link to this page. Make sure to add the proxy prefix to it!
Option 3
Use Nexis Uni's URL API linking syntax. Instructions are available in their help documentation under Nexis Uni URL API Help > Retrieving a Single Document.
Remember that after creating this link you will still need to add the Stanford proxy.
Option 4
Many popular publications are available in databases other than Nexis Uni, so consider using an alternative database that has more user-friendly permalink options!
- Last Updated: Nov 27, 2024 7:20 AM
- URL:
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