Persistent Links


This process will be the same for most ProQuest databases.

  1. Go to a ProQuest database, like ProQuest One Business, and find the article.
  2. In the upper right, click All Options.
  3. Copy the URL at the top of the pop-up window. Make sure the URL includes "" so it will work from any location
    • When not on Stanford's network/WiFi/VPN/LeanLibrary extension, you need to add the proxy-prefix. See the example below where you need to add the bold prefix so the link looks like this:
    • While on Stanford's network (Stanford WiFi, VPN, LeanLibrary extension, etc.), the link you see in ProQuest likely already has the proxy "" included. Example: All Options and copy the provided URL

In June 2021 ABI/INFORM was upgraded to ProQuest One Business. If you previously created persistent links in the old system, they will still work!